Paul Butvila

Paul Butvila wurde am 24. November 1953 in London geboren.

Seine Familie emigrierte nach Kanada als er noch ein Kind war.
Im Moment wohnt und arbeitet Paul in Vancouver, B. C. Kananda. Schon im Kindergarten war zeichnen sein größtes Interesse. Im Alter von 11 Jahren bekam Paul von seinen Eltern sein erstes Ölmalset.

Beeindruckt von den Werken des berühmten Boris Vallejo, entschied sich Paul endgültig für die Malerei.

Paul Butvila's Bilder faszinieren durch ihren fotorealistischen Charakter.

Im Alter von 35 Jahren fand Paul wieder zurück zum Fantasy-Art-Stil mit einer größeren Passion als je zuvor.

Pauls Inspiration war beeinflußt von den Eindrücken der New Age Music. Üblicherweise dauert es 3-5 Tage ein Originalgemälde fertig zu stellen. Im Vorfeld zu seinen Werken arbeitet er mit Modellen und Kostümen. Eine Technik, welche er von Boris Vallejo erlernte während seines New York Aufenthaltes. Paul Butvilas Inspiration kommt von Künstlern wie Lord Frederick Layton, Jaques Lois David und vielen anderen.

Gegenwärtig befinden sich viele seiner Werke in privaten und Körperschafts-Sammlungen weltweit.

Paul arbeitet ausschließlich mit Öl auf Künstlermalplatten.


Paul Butvila was born in London England on November 24th. 1953.
His family later immigrated and settled in Canada when he was a child. Presently Mr. Butvila resides in Vancouver,B.C. Canada,where he pursues his art carreer. Paul's earliest recollection of an interest in art began in kindergarten where sketching was an interest. Grade 6(age 11) was when his parents purchased Paul his first oil painting set which encouraged him to complete only two paintings.

Paul did continue to sketch throughout his youth, keeping in touch with his interest in art. Paul picked up a paint brush again when he was 20 years of age. Inspired by the works of world renowed Artist, Boris Vallejo Paul decided to become a "famous illustrator". After trying his hand at Fantasy/Sci-fi paintings it beacame apparent that Canada was NOT where Paul would make his fame.
He gave up his dream of creating his own Fantastical style of Art Work and began to paint in the style of "Photo Realism". This demanding style of art was continued for about 6 years, where he perfected his technical skills.

At the age of 35, Paul made the decision to change, and began painting Fantasy again. This time with greater passion and determination than ever before. Paul's inspiration comes from the Fantastical images that New Age Music conveys.

Paul also draws ideas from Models who will also inspire an idea with a certain look or pose that a Model might convey. In general, it takes Paul about 3 to 5 days to complete a painting. Presently his work hangs in private and corporate collections world wide. Paul paints exclusively in oils on illustration board. Paul also sets up photo sessions with Models and costumes. A technique that he acquired in New York when visiting with Boris Vallejo who assisted Paul considerably with valuable instruction. Paul's inspirations come from the works of the "Romantics" such as Lord Frederick Layton, Jacques Louis David and countless others. Well I hope this has been of some help to those who wondered who Paul was, and how he got to where he is today.